We're delighted to announce that six students from Cassa Piano have been invited to play their concertos with the Rocky Mountain Symphony orchestra and strings at the end of January! Congratulations to Joel Cook, Ian Quon, Jocelyn Zhou, Kaslyn Chan, Elaine Meng and Joanna Zhang! https://rockymountainsymphony.ca/mozart
Lorna MacLachlan, Johnny Summers and Richard Harding at Asylum for Art
Cassa Instructor, Lorna MacLachlan, is performing with two outstanding musicians on October 20, 2023: Johnny Summers, who is the director of the Calgary Jazz Orchestra and a wonderful trumpet player, and Richard Harding, who is Calgary's finest saxophonists and a member of CJO, CPO and Primetime. Tickets are available at www.asylumforart.ca.
Improv at Cassa Piano
Cassa Piano students had lots of fun this July! This is a video with Improv Expert, Jennifer Aumentado, as she leads Cassa Piano participants through fun improv exercises on July 20, 2023.
A New Modern Summer Opera Repertory Company
We're delighted to announce that this fall, former student of Cassa's Derek Stoll, Tayte Mitchell, will be launching a new modern summer opera repertory company. The company will be based in Calgary and known as Ammolite Opera. Joining Tayte as co-founder and Music Director is conductor, collaborative pianist, and composer, Maria Fuller, from Regina.
You can learn more about Tayte and Maria on their websites.
Due to the lack of opportunities that are available to musicians in Western Canada, many talented opera singers, conductors, and instrumentalists must look elsewhere to establish a sustainable career. As a result, there's limited incentive for artists born in Western Canada to contribute their artistic talents back home. This project will help reveal and expose the careers of aspiring Canadian singers, designers, conductors, and instrumentalists to Calgarian audiences.
Check out performances at these links.
Ammolite Opera https://youtu.be/04PeQMI-Y5Q
Maria Fuller conducting reel https://youtu.be/LAFy5PA5of0
Tayte Mitchell singing “Che gelida manina” from La bohème by Puccini https://youtu.be/OVMHHOdNS0s
Their dream is to see Ammolite Opera become a cultural landmark of Calgary and a place where Canadian operatic artists give their Best in the West. Tayte and Maria firmly believe that Ammolite Opera will provide hope, purpose, and energy to the operatic art form in Calgary and beyond, with Ammolite Opera becoming established as the best summer opera company in Canada.
Please support the online crowdfund campaign.
Their inaugural season will be in the summer of 2024, with two chamber opera productions in July/August. Their hope is to eventually expand and build a summer repertory company that runs from May to September every year, with five or more productions over the season.
In the meantime, there will be a very special Prelude Gala event this October. Tayte and Maria will be curating a fully designed and staged production of Rene Orth’s opera, Empty The House, at the cSpace Studio Theatre in Calgary on October 6th, 8th, 11th, and 13th, 2023.
Visit the event webpage for more information.
Cassa student Kaslyn Chan and her duet partner Clyde Li win gold at the Conero International Piano Festival and Competition!
Congratulations to Kaslyn Chan and her duet partner, Clyde Li, for the gold medals that they won with their duet for their performance in the Chamber Music Class at the 2023 IPPA Conero International Piano Festival and Competition - Canada Division.
Cassa student Chanan Ngo wins the Rose Bowl at the Calgary Performing Arts Festival!
We are thrilled to announce that Cassa camper of many years, Chanan Ngo, has won the Rose Bowl at the Calgary Performing Arts Festival! Congratulations, Chanan, on this major award!
An exclusive interview with our 2023 Guitar expert, Brett Gunther!
Check out an interview with our tremendous 2023 guitar expert, and host of our May 6 guitar workshop, Brett Gunther!
An interview with our 2023 clinician, Michel Fournier!
Want to get to know our fabulous, internationally-regarded 2023 piano clinician? Here’s a brief interview with Cassa expert and piano program coordinator Eric Nyland, in which Dr. Fournier shares his wisdom and his inspiration!
Eric Nyland: Hi, Michelle. Thanks so much for joining us here. We're really excited to have you as a 2023 clinician for a 30th anniversary.
I'm wondering if you can tell us a few things about ourselves for potential
A few very quick questions. The first one of which is, how did you get into
Michel Fournier
▪ ▪ Ah, well, as, as far as I remember as a very small child, ▪ we had old records at home and I kept listening to them over and over any.
It was not only classical music but it was all kind of music and I ▪ ▪ remember
my mom telling me that she had to stop me to, to do it because I just wanted
to do it.
So it was always part of my life. , and then later I have an older sister.
She had piano lessons at her, her school.
So we got a piano at home and then she was practicing, she was learning music pieces and I was observing her and, , even if she got mad at me for doing that, I was playing her pieces like by ear.
And so so it bugged her a lot, but I thought it was fun for the music and for
bugging her also.
And then, , well, eventually she became also a professional musician. She’s a
So it’s pretty much, in the family.
Eric Nyland
Wow, it's incredible. And, and now that you've, you know, obviously you've now had your form of training many years ago and you've been working for, for
decades as a professional musician, as a pianist.
What now motivates you as a musician.
Michel Fournier
▪ ▪ I would say learning, learning ▪ as a musician as organized, I like to learn new repertoire, like ▪ ▪ knowing new music.
Like for, for example, a few weeks ago, a violinist asked me for doing a recital and there was a piece by Josh in a school ▪ ▪ like impressions of childhood,
which is really difficult for the piano.
So I look at the score and I said, no, I can't do this, you know, it's too much
work and everything.
So I slept on that. And then I said, I might have a second look at the music.
So I looked at the music and then, ▪ okay, let's challenge myself. I like to learn, so learn it.
So I learned it. ▪ So the process of learning is is really a big motivation.
The challenge of sharing the music with the people, ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ which, ▪ which I like very much.
And ▪ ▪ also I like to take a repertoire that I have played for decades.
Like since my twenties ▪ and find a new perspective, a new way of approaching the work, discovering things that I didn't notice before.
And I said, wow, I played this ▪ the in such and such way, but now I see it
▪ So I relate all this to the process of learning and perhaps, I don't know,
Eric Nyland
▪ Wonderful. That's great. So, as as a professional musician who embodies
this sense of lifelong learning, hopefully, we're all striving for what is it about
teaching that invigorates you the most?
What is it that you enjoy most about, about teaching?
Michel Fournier
▪ ▪ It's really when I, when I'm teaching, well, first I think for me, teaching is above all artistic activities that I do professionally.
It's the thing, the thing that I think is the most rewarding for me ▪ and what I
like is when I see the face of a student light up when ▪ the student realized
that he couldn't do something and then suddenly he can do it.
This is the biggest reward. And I like to, to work really of course, with a long-term perspective with the students that, that I have on the long term.
But my goal is always that okay, after half an hour or after 45 minutes or after one hour, I want to make a difference.
So it's important to me that something will have changed and that I will have
make a difference about something, , for a student.
And, , you know, over the years, ▪ , I acculated knowledge and musical experiences and for me, ▪ the most important thing is to transmit, to give back, to the next generation or to whoever takes lesson, you can't, not just have knowledge and experience and keep it for yourself.
Eric Nyland
Fabulous. , and so if you have a student who is, who's been working in or, or if you're meeting another student and and they're telling you, you know what
I'm so inspired by the work I'm doing at the piano, that or whatever instrent
that I want to become a professional.
▪ What advice would you offer them?
Michel Fournier
▪ ▪ ▪ The princess, the main advice would be work discipline ▪ ▪ in French riga, can you say rigor?
▪ ▪ Yeah. These three things are so important and persistence also.
▪ like sometimes things go well and sometimes it's more difficult but in difficult moments, you have to keep the faith, the passion and the love of music.
And ▪ ▪ you know, life is not easy by definition, but it can be fun if you decide
that this is what you want.
So don't take no for an answer ▪ or something that doesn't work then okay.
It didn't work but don't abandon. Say okay, what did I, why did it not work?
Is it for such and such reason ▪ or whatever?
So, so I think persistence work and of course, passion and love of music.
And if one person, one artist wants to do this, ▪ ▪ I think it will happen ▪ ▪ in
whatever field as soloist, as a teacher, as a musician in the community.
But like professionally, I would say the most important is the work, the rigor ▪
and the persistence.
Eric Nyland
▪ ▪ That's, that's excellent. ▪ I find that deeply inspiring myself. ▪ ▪ ▪ Great.
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Thank you so much Michelle for, for answering these few questions.
I know we have a lot of students in Calgary who know you already from now
performing arts festival.
You adjudicated me in Beethoven's first piano concerto before I played it with an orchestra eventually.
And your advice was so helpful to me as a, as a musician.
So well, this is a great move forward to this smer with you and thank you for
sharing your wisdom here today.
Michel Fournier
Okay. Well, thanks to you and I'm really looking forward to work with all of
you and to work with the students. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Our 2022 newsletter is here!
Find out about all the amazing things that have happened in Cassa in the past year. Find your copy, for free, here.
Kaslyn Chan, Abram Schwonik, and Joel Cook, students of Cassa President and Artistic Directer Linda Kundert, has entered RCM's Music Lights the Way Event!
See their videos below.
To vote for Kaslyn, click here!
To vote for Abram, click here!
To vote for Joel, click here!
Cassa Students and Supervisors Chanan and Riley Ngo with the Civic Symphony!
We’re very proud at Cassa to share with you Riley and Chanan’s recent (outstanding) performances with the Civic Symphony. If you didn’t get a chance to see them live, we’ve included links here. Enjoy!
Cassa student Chanan Ngo and Supervisor Riley Ngo win C3!
Cassa is thrilled to announce that Chanan Ngo and Riley Ngo just won the prestigious C3 competition! Both Chanan and Riley have attended Cassa for many years, and Riley is now a Piano Program Supervisor. Chanan and Riley will play with the Calgary Civic Orchestra in May! Many congratulations to Chanan and Riley for this significant accomplishment! For more details, and to buy tickets when they are available, please use the following link: https://www.calgarycivicsymphony.ca/event-4456365
Many thanks to our generous donors!
Our sponsors and supporters have been a major part of Cassa’s success over the years.
We couldn’t have done it without you. Your support of Cassa and the local arts community has been amazing.
Thank you to everyone!
We would like to thank the donors for supporting the Dorothea Johanson Memorial Scholarship for the most improved piano student.
Thank you to Steinway Piano Gallery Calgary and Michael Lipnicki Fine Pianos Ltd. for the use of their pianos and keyboards - especially on such short notice.
Thank you to The Jules Foundation for supporting Cassa this year.
Thank you to Harmony Music School, who provided a home for our office for nearly 10 years.
Thank you to ATB Financial and Benevity for their matching donations.
Thank you to ARMTA Provincial and ARMTA Calgary Branch for the support of our students.
Thank you to the Harry and Martha Cohen Foundation, Edelweiss Imports and Bell Family Foundation for their continued support year after year.
We are also extremely grateful for the Government of Alberta, Alberta Foundation for the Arts, and Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commision, without whom our programs in the performing arts would simply not be possible.
Gala ($50,000 and up)
Steinway Piano Gallery Calgary (gift in kind-pianos and digital keyboards)
Bravo ($25,000-$49,999)
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission
Celebration ($10,000-$24,999)
Michael Lipnicki Fine Pianos Ltd (gift in kind-pianos and digital keyboards)
Festival ($5,000-$9,999)
Government of Alberta - Alberta Foundation for the Arts Bell Family Foundation - Dr. Laura Bell
The Jules Foundation
Production ($2,500-$4,999)
Alberta School of Music (gift in kind-office space)
St. Vladimir’s Cultural Centre (gift in kind-facility rental)
Concert ($1,000-$2,499)
ATB Financial
Alberta Registered Music Teachers’ Association -
Calgary Branch
Alberta Registered Music Teachers’ Association -
Harry & Martha Cohen Foundation Michelle A. Rico Professional Corporation Shelley Foo
Murray A. Seminuk Piano Services
Revue ($750-$999)
Donations are welcome
Drama ($500-$749)
Vern Kimball
Recital ($250-$499)
Edelweiss Imports Ltd. (gift in kind-Reception refreshments)
Donna Jeschke
Matinee ($100-$249)
Music Coterie – Piano Workshop
Janice Dahlberg Caroline Moore Tim Chan
Dress Rehearsal ($10 to $99)
Darcy van Helden
Linda Kundert
Elena Norkina
Derek Stoll
Lynne Dalcin
Richard and Patricia Wanner
Marissa Staddon Memorial Scholarship Fund
Marissa Staddon Memorial Scholarship Fund, through Cassa Musical Arts, will award a $100 scholarship to the most outstanding Cassa Piano student each year.
Dorothea Johanson Memorial Fund
Dorothea Johanson was an enthusiastic supporter of Cassa’s summer programs. She was first a volunteer at Cassa Piano (formerly Piano Camp), then joined the teaching staff and became an active member
of the Cassa Board of Directors. In her honour, a scholarship(s) will be awarded to the most improved Cassa Piano student(s) each year.
Alumni Fund
The Alumni Fund, created in support of Cassa Musical Arts, ensures our continued growth and development based on the values of our Mission Statement.
Donations made towards this fund are used to cover costs of: guest clinicians, alumni concerts, scholarships, bursaries and direct program costs.
ARMTA Recognition Fund
This award recognizes exceptional Cassa students who, in the opinion of the instructors, show outstanding promise and dedication to success and currently study with an ARMTA member. The awards total $500.
DONATIONS welcome; charitable receipts are available. Donations may be accepted in person by a Board Member, online at www.cassamusicalarts.com through CanadaHelps, or by mail:
Make cheques payable to
Send to: Cassa Musical Arts 10 Mt. Apex Green SE Calgary AB T1Z 2V2
The list of donors was last updated on June 30, 2021. Donations given after July 1st will appear on next year’s programs. We apologize for any errors or omissions; please contact us if your donation has been overlooked.
Cassa 2021 Scholarship winners announced!
Hi Everyone, the official list is here - the 2021 Cassa Scholarship winners. Congratulations to all of these exceptional students!
Jocelyn Zhou - Marissa Station Memorial Scholarship
Casper Parry - Dorothea Johanson Scholarship
ARMTA Scholarships
Kaslyn Chan
Chanan Ngo
Mark Rico Lam
Ian Wong
Cassa participant Mark Rico-Lam places 2nd in age category at CFMTA composition!
We wanted to share with you the latest good news we got from the CFMTA - Cassa camper Mark Rico-Lam’s latest composition placed second in his age category.
He is working on his own version of the "four seasons" so this composition is winter, titled Fantasie des Flocons de Neige. Click below to hear his recording!
We've concluded our programs for 2021, BUT...
Cassa moving online for summer of 2020: all on-site 2020 programming cancelled
Hello Everyone,
The difficult decision to close Cassa on-site programs for the summer of 2020 has been made. After the Stampede was cancelled, the city summer camps were cancelled, and the ruling that we can have no more than 15 people at an event until August 31st…the decision was basically made for us. This is our official announcement.
The Cassa board members and admin are working hard to apply for grants and are looking for government options for help. We will pilot some online courses this summer, so that is exciting. Our interdisciplinary programs will include: Pedagogy, Piano Masterclass, Jazz Piano, Piano, Musical Theatre, Songwriting, Playwriting/Creative Writing for two age groups and Business of the Arts.
Personally, I have to say that it must have been difficult for the Stampede to make that decision after 128 years or so, but I found this no less difficult, after 27.
Here’s to 2020 and to what becomes the new Cassa!
An updated covid-19 message from Cassa Artistic Advisor, Janice Dahlberg
Dear Cassa Friends, We find ourselves in uncertain times due to COVID-19 and the changes rapidly happening in Canada. I share with you some thoughts about local Cassa summer programs and steps we are taking to assure the ongoing focus of our organization with our commitment to bringing events in musical arts enrichment to the community. We thank you for your past participation and send our best wishes to you for your good health and survival in these times of social distancing and isolation.
The Early Bird deadline has been extended from May 15 until June 15. Our mission and values are in alignment for summer 2020 with those imposed by Health Canada. Alternative online methods to reach you are underway as we explore creative possibilities and approaches. Please refer to the new web site for the most up to date information: www.cassamusicalarts.com.
Challenging times are here for all arts groups. We look forward to welcoming you to the traditional Cassa programs in virtual time. Change is necessary, but trust that it will be innovative thanks to our multi-talented team of instructors and administrators. Your support is vital to continuing Cassa summer sounds.
Sincerely yours,
Janice Dahlberg, Artistic Advisor
Covid-19: a message from Cassa President Linda Kundert
Hello Cassa Friends,
We are now in the middle of dealing with the reality of Covid-19, and everyone has been social distancing and doing their part. We, at Cassa, would like to express our concerns for you, and our best wishes to you, for continued good health while you handle your particular situation in your own way.
At the moment, we are waiting to see how these circumstances unfold. We have moved our early bird deadline to June 15th instead of May 15th, and we will make a decision in early June as to whether we go ahead with summer programs as we know them, or not.
In the meantime, we are working on some online offerings, so stay tuned for some wonderful opportunities with Cassa. We are committed to our ethical and high-level quality programming as we make the leap. We continue to support our participants and contractors, and we are concerned about you.
“Consider that your work through music awakens and stimulates the three greatest attributes of humankind — emotion, curiosity, and imagination — all the while opening the door to a sublime realm of beauty and a higher purpose for humanity.” (Peter Simon, President of the Royal Conservatory of Music)
The following is an article about the benefits of studying music, for your continued inspiration, and anticipation of a renewed future.
Yours Truly,
Linda Kundert
Cassa President & Artistic Director
Cassa Piano Participant Satai Miller performed with Ambrose Orchestra in March!
Satai Miller, Cassa Piano participant, and student of Edwin Gnadt (2019 Cassa Piano clinician), performed Mozart’s piano concerto K. 595 with the Ambrose Orchestra in March! We are very proud of this tremendous accomplishment of one of our program participants, and wish her our heartfelt congratulations!