Bursaries, Grants and Helping Students
Helping Students Through Bursaries and Grants
Financial Assistance
Bursaries are available for all Cassa programs. We want you to attend.
We are committed to breaking down barriers for participation. Bursaries are available for all Cassa programs. If you need financial assistance, please submit our registration form (link here) and your request for support. Email: info@cassamusicalarts.com; Or mail:
Cassa Musical Arts
10 Mt. Apex Green SE
Calgary Alberta T2Z 2V2
Grant-in-Aid Scholarships
Cassa is looking for mature students to work as assistants for Cassa Kids at Play, Cassa Piano, or Cassa Musical, in exchange for tuition to attend a Cassa program of their choice. Apply by email, before the Early Bird deadline of June 15.
Special thanks goes to our many supporters who make this funding available. Because of donations made by people who are just like you, we have been able to assist ten to twenty participants each year - deserving and talented students who otherwise would not have had the opportunity to attend a fine arts program, not for lack of ability or desire, but because it was beyond their financial means.
You may make a direct donation to Cassa by printing and mailing our donation form (link here) with your contribution, or click the Canada Helps button here.
Cassa is a registered charity, 88490 6249 RR0001 under the Charitable Fund-raising Act in the province of Alberta.
MARISSA STADDON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Marrisa Staddon Memorial Scholarship Fund, through Cassa Musical Arts, will award a $100 scholarship to the most outstanding Cassa Piano student each year.
DOROTHEA JOHANSON MEMORIAL FUND: Dorothea Johanson was an enthusiastic supporter of Cassa’s summer programs. She was first a volunteer at Cassa Piano (formerly Piano Camp), then joined the teaching staff and became an active member of the Cassa Board of Directors. In her honour, a scholarship(s) will be awarded to the most improved Cassa Piano student(s) each year.
ALUMNI FUND: The Alumni Fund, created in support of Cassa Musical Arts, ensures our continued growth and development based on the values of our Mission Statement. Donations made towards this fund are used to cover costs of: guest clinicians, alumni concerts, scholarships, bursaries, and direct program costs.
ARMTA RECOGNITION FUND: This award recognizes exceptional Cassa students who, in the opinion of the instructors, show outstanding promise and dedication to success and currently study with an ARMTA member. The awards total $500.
2023 Grant Recipients
Marissa Staddon Scholarship: Hannah Hodjati
Dorothea Johanson Scholarships: Jian Horrian and Mikhail Adamov
ARMTA Scholarships: Abram Schwonik, Mixia Li, Joel Cook, Gemma Konnert, Mark Rico-Lam, Jocelyn Zhou, Kaslyn Chan, Ian Quon, Elaine Yuan Meng, and Jakob Springett